Steve and I did something we never did before. At least not since we have kids. We went camping, just the two of us, for a long weekend. It was so absolutely wonderful- I can't describe what it did for my mind, body, and soul! No schedule, no internet, tv, phones, etc. Lots of reading, campfire, talking, and laughing. We've gone on vacation before without the kids, but somehow, this time was different. Life slowed down, we could relax and breathe deeply....

Steve read an entire book. :)

Oh yes, and peanuts and LOTS of tea. And Solitaire.

The sun shining through the trees...

Cool mushrooms...

Bacon over the fire anyone?

There was a 'Rails to Trails' close by so we went biking one day. Packed a lunch and biked until we came to this 'snack shack' along the way. It started to rain just as we came out of the woods so we sat under the roof at the picnic table to eat.

He had drinks, snacks, candy bars, ice cream and I'm not sure what all in there!

It's a good thing you can't see just how hot and sweaty we were! We biked about 23 miles that day...

We came across these steps going down over the bank, so we took a break and went and sat on the rocks and listened to nature. :)

And even if you're camping, you must still have popcorn on Sunday evening. We did a little more sight-seeing on Monday before heading back to real life.

Thank you Babe- for thirteen years of being the lucky one! I'd marry you all over again. :)